Let's get Candid about our Traditional Indian Wedding Photography!

Let's get candid about our traditional Indian Wedding Photography!

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There is a very thin line between the two. The so-called traditional and candid wedding photography. In fact it's very vague to define them as two separate categories and two different photographers specializing and handling these two styles of wedding photography, if we may even call them two different styles. So if you are looking for a good wedding photographer, do not get confused with these terms - Candid wedding photography or Traditional/conventional wedding photography. Look for the Photographer or the Photography company's portfolio in totality. If you feel that the wedding Photography and cinematography of the actual weddings, teasers, Pre-wedding shoots and Highlights is close to what you are looking for. It's the right team for you. A lot of ignorant Photographers do not even know the meaning of these two terms. Let's check the Dictionary meaning of Candid.It says- "truthful and straightforward; frank." and that's what this article is about. then the Dictionary continues " (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject's knowledge." the meaning of traditional -"existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.""produced, done, or used in accordance with tradition.""habitually done, used, or found." none of the meanings of "traditional" define it as anything inferior to "Candid". Both are different. Myths about Candid wedding Photography-One cannot use Flash for Candid photography - In wedding there are so many photographers and so much happening that using or not using a flash has no meaning. Flash fires suddenly and its then that the subject gets aware that a photograph has been taken. So you can still use a flash while taking a candid shot. A candid shot does not essentially have to be a photograph in natural light or without a flash.

70-200 f 2.8 lens is must for candid wedding Photography - Why? Why not f4 IS? If you wish to be discreet while taking wedding photographs, it can be any long lens and not essentially a 70-200 !! with technology getting more and more sophisticated and advanced, one can increase the ISO of the camera to quite an extent. Having f2.8 is not really a great advantage compared to the weight you may have to carry. IS (Image stabilization) compared to Non IS lens is more preferred than f2.8 to f4. A lot of wedding photographers buy a f2.8 lens but ignore the IS version as it's more expensive. For the right balance of price I would prefer a f4 lens but with IS as it let's you shoot even with a relatively slower shutter speed and it's not too heavy. Check out which 70-200 is a better lens 

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Wide angles are not good for Candid Wedding Photography - You do not always have to be away and hidden. There are situations during a wedding that you have no choice but to use a wide angle lens. There is so much happening around during a wedding that the wedding couple or the other guests kind of get immune to the presence of photographers around. When you take images with a wide angle, you can still shoot candid moments if you know the art. With a wide angle lens you are within the crowd and in other words a part of the crowd it self and when you shoot candid images with a long lens, you are outside the crowd. Sometimes, you can certainly get better and more natural shots when you shoot from within the scene itself. With a wide angle the image starts from just about where you are and the viewer also gets the feeling of being a part of it. It's not that the bride or any other person in the wedding will not express their emotions if the photographer is around. They have already got immune and indifferent to their presence.
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A Wide angle lens was used here to photograph the bride who is dancing amongst the other ladies. 

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It was a very spontaneous moment which no one was expecting. Flash was important to freeze the action which may not have been possible otherwise. Interestingly this Young couple from Singapore fell in love with each other while attending their friends wedding, which we were shooting. 
Can't get Candid photographs when people are Posing - When people are posing they are of course not expecting Candid picture but yes, you do have an opportunity and chance to get some in-between candid shots. While they are preparing to pose or when they are off guard after the pose, they may be at their natural best. Not every natural picture may work. Some people when not posing or facing the camera may look awkward.
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It was one of those "in between" moments which were caught on the camera as the bride takes care of the Groom's Turban. 
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Not everyone appreciates candid pictures. Some people may feel that the photographer should have told them before clicking the photograph so that they could ensure that everything is fine. "Candid Wedding Photography" has lately become a very popular statement in Indian weddings and people ask and offer candid wedding photography without even realising the actual meaning and purpose of it.
This is also the Photographer's art and his eye to release the shutter just at the right moment, the one that makes an interesting shot and not an embarrassment for the subject.
The key word is Art or Artistic. It's all about being creative and spontaneous. How artistic or creative you are! It's not about traditional or candid wedding photography. Its about situations during a wedding ceremony which need to be approached in a more conventional or traditional manner and situations which have a scope of shooting them more naturally or in a candid manner. 

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And for God's sake close shots of the bride's hands, the decoration, the detail of her bridal outfit, Tight shot of the groom exchanging rings with the Bride or putting "sindoor" in the Bride's head are certainly not "Candid" shots. :-) as many Photographers and clients call it.
Look for good creative work without getting confused with the terms traditional or Candid Photography.
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